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Jumat, 03 Desember 2021

Guinea Pig Vitamin C Supplement Petsmart

Guinea Pig Vitamin C Supplement Petsmart

  1. 08-05-17,12:44 am #1

    miss.lyonice is offline

    Cavy Slave miss.lyonice's Avatar

    Question Guinea pigs and Vitamin C supplements

    When I adopted Mars and Poppy, the lady at petsmart (i didn't get them from petsmart, I just bought the supplies there) INSISTED I buy them Vitamin C supplements and salt-licks and a bunch of other weird stuff. I didn't buy the salt-lick because google told me it was useless, I didn't buy the treat because I figured, wouldn't it be healthier to reward them with fruits and veggies instead? But she went on and on about how vitamin C is so important and how I NEEDED to buy this $8 dollar pack of yogurt drops. Well, I did. And my guinea pigs HATE them. I've tried everything to get Mars and Poppy to eat them, they refuse too. It's been 6-months and they've never taken these supplements. They haven't experienced any health problems. They seem fine without them. I'm wondering, was it even worth my money to buy them? Don't guinea pigs get enough vitamin C from a well-balanced diet? Bell Pepper has a good amount of vitamin C, and my piggies eat bell pepper everyday. Also, why would I give yogurt to guinea pigs in the first place? Aren't they herbivores? Anyway, I was wondering if the supplements are worth ever buying? Or are they another useless overpriced item pet stores sell because people assume it's important. Also, I've got them to eat some of the yogurt/treat/supplement things, is yogurt healthy for a guinea pig? Also, what is your personal experience with vitamin C supplements, and do they help your piggies. thanks!


  2. 08-05-17,01:13 am #2

    miss.lyonice is offline

    Cavy Slave miss.lyonice's Avatar

    Re: Guinea pigs and Vitamin C supplements

    ok. I thought that about the yogurt. But the petsmart employee said they also need probiotic (which is in yogurt). Ofc I shouldn't get any advice from a petsmart employee, . But I was wondering if they even really needed a probiotic either. That seems like something else a balanced-diet would solve

  3. 08-05-17,04:06 am #3

    Soecara is offline

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    Re: Guinea pigs and Vitamin C supplements

    The only time I recommend giving a guinea pig a probiotic is if they are on an antibiotic. Even then you should use probiotics that do not contain dairy, such as products like benebac, or acidophilus tablets. Another probiotic option is a fresh dropping from a healthy guinea pig.

    For more info about guinea pigs and probiotics read this page http://www.guinealynx.info/probiotics.html

  4. 08-05-17,07:02 am #4

    bpatters is offline

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    Re: Guinea pigs and Vitamin C supplements

    Good job on two out of three NO answers! Pet store employees are not there to promote the health of your pet, they're there to increase sales. I personally would never take a recommendation from one.

  5. 08-05-17,11:04 am #5

    CavyTV is offline

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    Re: Guinea pigs and Vitamin C supplements

    I don't go to pet stores anymore. I know that if I do, the guinea pigs will catch my attention and I'll feel bad for them; I'll want to buy something overpriced that I can buy from somewhere else for a cheaper price, or those employees working there will try to sell me something I don't need.

    I get my hay in bulk online. You can also get pellets in bulk too if you feed them. It's much cheaper and you get more of it. Bedding can also be bought online; pet stores LOVE to overprice the small bags of bedding.

    Treats are also sold online; things like Small Pet Select herb/forage mixes are fine, Oxbow tabs and Oxbow cookies are fine... Guinea pigs are strict herbivores. Their stomachs are not meant to process dairy or meat. Guinea pigs don't crave "treats" like we do. They'll be happy with their veggies and their fruit any day. You can also offer them grass or dandelion leaves as treats. You can give them something you usually don't give, like maybe watermelon, blueberries, dill, or kale.

  6. 08-05-17,07:16 pm #6

    miss.lyonice is offline

    Cavy Slave miss.lyonice's Avatar

    Re: Guinea pigs and Vitamin C supplements

    Yeah. I've stopped going to pet stores too. Especially because every time I walk in, it's like they're trying to push their new birds and fish on me because I've bought birds and fish there before. It's actually sad. Last time I went in, the employee (who manages the whole pet shoppe area) tried to guilt trip me into buying this sick bird, and I didn't have the money to get it vet care nor the money to take care of it, so I couldn't get it. That incident pushed me over the edge. Those employees have NO ethic and it's sad.

    I'm gonna start getting my hay from a local farm and getting my pellets somewhere else. Just somewhere where they're not trying to sell me something every time I walk in.

    How do those stores still exist when they treat customers and their animals like that?

  7. 08-05-17,08:58 pm #7

    CavyTV is offline

    Cavy Slave CavyTV's Avatar

    Re: Guinea pigs and Vitamin C supplements

    Most people don't know any better. Hopefully, pet stores will close soon, for good. Or at least stop selling live animals and useless junk that just ruins the animal's health.

    The more people that know about the truth about pet stores, the sooner the cruelty will stop. One person at a time. I truly believe we can make it happen.

  8. 08-05-17,10:52 pm #8

    Shieme is offline

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    Re: Guinea pigs and Vitamin C supplements

    Yogurt actually doesn't have that much probiotics. Most yogurt is pastrized so the probiotics are removed. Also that woman has very old information. You are correct, well balanced diet does the Trick! you can return open packages to petsmart for a full refund! Corporate policy.

    Thank God my petsmart isn't like that. They don't push at all. In fact I went to buy a dish for hay so it wouldn't be on the ground and he was like, get a hay bag, they are better but we don't sell them. I just need the dish for temporary use for Zoe, my four week old. I love buying my supplies at MY petsmart. But now other pet places suck.

  9. 08-06-17,05:41 am #9

    madelineelaine is offline

    Cavy Slave madelineelaine's Avatar

    Re: Guinea pigs and Vitamin C supplements

    I won't shop at places that sell animals unless it is a dire emergency and I need something right away that the other pet shops around me don't carry.

    I buy my pellets in 10 pound bags and my hay by 50lbs so I don't have to go out too often to get stuff for them. I wouldn't buy an animal from a pet shop so I'm not going to give them my money to further support that practice.

  10. "Thank you, madelineelaine, for this useful post," says:

Guinea Pig Vitamin C Supplement Petsmart

Source: https://www.guineapigcages.com/forum/threads/116773-Guinea-pigs-and-Vitamin-C-supplements

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