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Kamis, 02 Desember 2021

Vitamin C And Garlic Blood Flow

Vitamin C And Garlic Blood Flow

Level of Evidence

? The amount of high quality evidence. The more evidence, the more we can trust the results.

Outcome Magnitude of effect

? The direction and size of the supplement's impact on each outcome. Some supplements can have an increasing effect, others have a decreasing effect, and others have no effect.

Consistency of research results

? Scientific research does not always agree. HIGH or VERY HIGH means that most of the scientific research agrees.

grade-a Notable Very High See all 14 studies

Garlic supplementation tends to increase HDL cholesterol in persons with cardiovascular disease risk reliably and in the range of 10-15% when looking at individual trials and by 1.49mg/dL (95% CI of 0.19-2.79mg/dL) as assessed by meta-analysis.

grade-a Notable Very High See all 14 studies

There appears to be a reliable and significant reduction in circulating LDL cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic persons with garlic supplementation, and the magnitude of this change tends to be in the range of 10-20% (more potency in those with worse profiles at baseline)

grade-a Notable Very High See all 17 studies

Garlic supplementation or the raw garlic bulb appears to reduce cholesterol (total cholesterol, mostly due to LDL reductions) reliably and in the range of 10-15%

grade-a Minor Very High See all 15 studies

There appears to be quite an unreliable decrease in triglycerides following garlic supplementation. When looking at meta-analyses, there is either a significant but small decrease or a reduction that fails to reach statistical significance.

grade-b Notable High See all 12 studies

Garlic supplementation appears to reduce blood pressure, and the magnitude is quite respectable in persons with hypertension (around 10 points systolic or 8-10%) whereas there is a smaller but present reduction in persons with normal blood pressure.

grade-b - Very High See 2 studies

Although there may theoretically be some benefit with higher doses, currently the available evidence has not found a protective effect with 900mg of raw garlic extract.

grade-b - Very High See all 3 studies

While there are signficant modifications in the subpopulations of white blood cells (ie. which immune cells you have) the overall quantity does not appear significantly affected.

grade-c Strong Very High See 2 studies

The rate (frequency of occurring) of the common cold has twice been found to be reduced by 60-70% in persons who take garlic supplementation daily; this is associated with both allicin and the aged garlic extract, and requires higher doses (2.5g aged extract or 180mg allicin).

grade-c Notable - See study

Following 250mg of garlic oil ingestion for a variable 9-18 months, two thirds of the group given supplementation reversed their status of having hepatopulmonary symptoms (1 person in placebo) and the mortality rate during followup was greatly reduced.

grade-c Notable - See study

The lone human study using a rather high dose of Aged Garlic extract (2.56g) noted an 8-fold increase of this T-cell subpopulation relative to control; thought to be related to the cold fighting properties of garlic

grade-c Minor - See study

There appears to be an increase in adiponectin associated with 1,200mg of aged garlic supplementation despite no other influence on the body of persons with metabolic syndrome.

grade-c Minor Moderate See all 3 studies

There appears to be an increase in glutathione related enzymes in red and white blood cells following ingestion of garlic supplements.

grade-c Minor Very High See 2 studies

There appears to be a reduction in arterial stiffness seen with daily supplementation of garlic when measured over the course of a few years, relative to no garlic ingestion.

grade-c Minor - See study

Stasis has been reported in the growth of arterial plaque over 48 months when people consume 900mg of garlic, but this effect may only be statistically significant for women.

grade-c Minor - See study

Alongside the increase in immune cell activity in otherwise healthy persons is an increase in IFN-y concentrations

grade-c Minor - See study

The length that one is sick for is only modestly reduced with garlic supplementation even at higher doses.

grade-c Minor - See all 3 studies

A reduction in lipid peroxidation in the blood and in red blood cells has been noted in some states of metabolic ailment (aging and hypertension). Not 100% reliable as it wasn't seen in one study on hypercholesterolemia, and no studies in healthy controls.

grade-c Minor - See 2 studies

One study has noted a 20% decrease in the ALT enzyme following garlic supplementation to otherwise healthy controls.

grade-c Minor Moderate See 2 studies

There is an increase in NK cell activity alongside the increase in NK cell content, although it is not sure if there is an inherent increase in NK cell activity if you control for the increase in cell content.

grade-c Minor Very High See 2 studies

There is an increase in NK cell levels seen in both healthy controls as well as cancer patients, and this is thought to be due in part to both immunostimulatory and anti-immunosuppressive effects.

grade-c Minor Moderate See 2 studies

A possible decrease in LDL oxidation rates, although this does not appear to be overly reliable.

grade-c Minor Very High See all 4 studies

Garlic appears to reduce platelet aggregation at the supplemental dose, but not a moderate dietary dose of garlic cloves. The potency is less than ginkgo biloba as a reference.

grade-c Minor - See study

Despite the potent efficacy in reducing the occurrence of sickness, the actual severity of symptoms is only modestly reduced with garlic.

grade-c Minor Very High See 2 studies

Similar to symptoms of sickness in general and the length of sickness, the therapeutic efficacy of garlic appears to be modest at best.

- See 2 studies

Decreases have been noted in inflammatory states (indicative of antiinflammatory effects) and increases seen in healthy persons; suggesting an immunomodulatory effect

grade-c Minor - See study

There appears to be a reduction in the lung infection risks with garlic supplementation.

grade-c - Very High See 2 studies

Minimal studies have directly measured blood flow associated with garlic, and the best evidence currently suggests that basal flow mediated vasodilation is unaffected; there is likely an effect, although most studies indirectly measure blood pressure.

grade-c - - See study

The long study to assesss basal viscosity of the blood has failed to find an interaction with garlic supplementation.

grade-c - - See study

Supplementation of garlic does not appear to significantly reduce fasting blood glucose in persons with metabolic syndrome.

grade-c - Very High See 2 studies

No significant influence on C-reactive protein is noted with supplementation of garlic.

grade-c - - See study

CD4+ Lymphocytes do not appear to be influence with supplementation of garlic

grade-c - - See study

CD8+ Lymphocytes do not appear to be influenced with supplementation of garlic.

grade-c - - See study

No significant influence of garlic supplementation has been found on cortisol in cancer patients.

grade-c - - See study

No significant influence of garlic supplement on creatinine concentrations in serum are present.

grade-c - - See study

No significant alterations in food intake are seen with garlic ingestion (assuming no taste aversion).

grade-c - Very High See 2 studies

800mg aged garlic extract has failed to reduce the risk of developing gastric cancer when taken daily for 7.3 years

grade-c - Very High See 2 studies

No significant alterations in homocysteine concentrations are seen with garlic supplementation.

grade-c - - See study

In persons with metabolic syndrome, there is no significant influence on fasting insulin concentrations relative to placebo after supplementation of garlic.

grade-c - - See study

There is no significant influence on insulin sensitivity when garlic is given to persons with metabolic syndrome.

grade-c - - See study

No significant influence on circulating IL-1 concentrations seen with garlic supplementation (alongside no influence on IL-6 yet a decrease in TNF-α)

grade-c - Very High See 2 studies

Supplementation of garlic to persons in chronic pro-inflammatory states does not seem to significantly influence circulating IL-6 concentrations

grade-c - - See study

In a study that noted an increase in adiponectin in persons with metabolic syndrome, there was no influence on circulating leptin concentrations.

grade-c - - See study

Quality of life in cancer patients is unaffected despite an increase in NK cell activity, thought to be indicative of a therapeutic effect of supplementation.

grade-c - - See study

There are no alterations in red blood cell count with normal doses of garlic (although there does appear to be a decrease when a toxic dose of garlic oil is ingested)

grade-c - - See study

Despite any possible interactions with the platelets (in regards to preventing their clotting), there are no alterations in the overall amount of platelets.

grade-c - Very High See 2 studies

Although there are theoretical benefits of garlic to weight loss, prolonged supplementation of garlic in other studies (where weight is measured as a secondary parameter of interest) is not altered. The weight loss effects are either small or nonexistent in otherwise normal conditions

grade-d Notable - See study

Topical application of a solution containing the sulfur bearing molecule Ajoene was able to half the tumor size and Bcl-2 expression after half a year of once daily application.

grade-d Notable - See study

The lone study noted that interferon alpha concentrations in serum increased 384% when measured 2-4 hours after 2g of raw garlic clove.

grade-d Notable - See study

Mineral bioaccumulation from garlic ingestion (allicin in particular) is reduced in persons working in a car battery factory with excessive lead levels to a level similar to the reference drug D-penicillamine

grade-d Notable - See study

The lone study assessing nitric oxide and garlic noted that a raw garlic clove (2g) could increase nitric oxide by 224% in otherwise healthy persons within 2-4 hours of ingestion; potency did not decrease after seven days

grade-d Notable - See study

The lone pilot study has noted a 32% reduction in prostatic size after a month of eating 200mg/kg garlic (as a water soluble liquid extract)

grade-d Notable - See study

The lone study (no placebo control) noted a 60% reduction in both total and free PSA in a small group of men with prostate cancer; requires more evidence to evaluate the therapeutic potential

grade-d Minor - See study

Urinary biomarkers of DNA damage are reduced in hypertensive persons following supplementation of garlic.

grade-d Minor - See study

In persons with coronary heart disease, supplementation of garlic appears to increase physical performance when ingested at a food dose (1g) daily over six weeks; the increase in performance is moderate.

grade-d Minor - See study

Oxidative biomarkers in the blood appear to be modestly reduced following supplementation of garlic in persons with high levels of oxidative damage indicative in serum.

grade-d Minor - See study

A decrease was noted alongside improvements in prostatic size, but a magnitude of reduction was not given for evaluation.

grade-d - - See study

The overall mortality rate from stomach cancer is not influence with garlic supplementation during 15 years of followup

grade-d - - See study

The protective effect of 800mg aged garlic extract daily for 7.3 years does not appear to be statistically significant

grade-d - - See study

Large doses of garlic (4.5g of the bulb) to athletes undergoing hypoxic training does not appear to increase performance.

grade-d - High See all 4 studies

There is no inherent influence of garlic on heart rate, although when garlic aids cardiovascular performance in persons with heart problems it is associated with a reduced heart rate relative to control (due to less stress on the tissue).

grade-d - Very High See 2 studies

Despite potent antibacterial properties of garlic oil when tested outside of the body, it appears to be ineffective when given to human volunteers.

grade-d - - See study

In otherwise healthy athletes given 4.5g of garlic cloves daily before a performance test, the lack of increased performance is met by a lack of changes in oxygen uptake.

grade-d - - See study

No significant interactions with Thromboxane A2 are currently known.

grade-d - - See study

No significant interactions with uric acid concentrations in serum.

Vitamin C And Garlic Blood Flow

Source: https://examine.com/supplements/garlic/

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